We facilitate a Leads Group each month to connect members for their mutual best interest. Our goal is not to merely sell to others in the room, but to bring people together to support one another and bring opportunities for each other's businesses.
Referrals, industry tips and best practices can be shared. Group membership is industry specific to encourage collaboration - only one business/representative per industry will be represented. Attendance rules apply since seats are limited.
Talk to Chamber staff about applying for a Leads Group.
Thursday Jan 9, 2025
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM EST
Simpsonville Chamber
Prisma Health Conference Rm
Group is led by Josh Wiseman & Tanner Jordan
Printed courtesy of simpsonvillechamber.com/ – Contact the Simpsonville Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
105A W. Curtis Street, Simpsonville, SC 29681 – (864) 963-3781 – info@simpsonvillechamber.com